
Top 15 Reasons Why "Star Wars" is Better Than "Titanic"

Top 15 Reasons Why "Star Wars" is Better Than "Titanic" Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 06:38:58 PDT (15-A) Titanic morals: a. gamble, b. cheat on your fiance', c. pose nude for pictures, d. premarital sex is OK if you're infatuated. (15-B) Star Wars morals: a. fight evil, b. do good, c. respect all life even if it's ugly and slithers, d. rescue princess, e. save planet. (14.) Leia is a princess, a senator, a freedom fighter, and Jedi material; Rose is just marriage bait. (13.) Ewoks throw better parties than either first class or steerage. (12.) Titanic is egalitarian by portraying poor people as sympathetic characters. Star Wars is egalitarian by promoting bug-eyed amphibians to Admiral. (11.) We know Cal is the bad guy because he sneers at the poor and treats his fiancee like property. We know Darth Vader is the bad guy because he strangles people and blows up p

Legal same-sex marriage will snowball to more liberal indoctrination My response: My complaint is that government power to impose liberalism on citizens has been, and will SNOWBALL. Liberals have been SCREAMING at conservatives that NOTHING will change in their heterosexual lives and/or marriages if same-sex marriage is allowed. I recently debated with a few pro same-sex marriage users on Youtube, that when the brute, raw, sloppy and amoral FORCE of the Federal Government (aka Big Brother from the book "1984") orders Americans to have or not have certain morals, it allows liberals the POWER to define "freedom", & that it NEVER ends! When I cited that many pro so-called "LGBT" people have ALREADY stated that this is just the beginning and when I stated that this can and WILL snowball downward to have the GOVERNMENT redefine love, marriage, relationships, sexual morals, masculinity and femininity, THEY DIDN'T LIFT A FINGER TO DEFEND THEMS

Rules for radicalism by Saul D Alinsky

The Students of Saul D. Alinsky Saul D. Alinsky (1909-1972) - the son of Russian Jewish immigrants was an old Jewish radical famous as a community organizer from Chicago’s Back of the Yards. From the late 1930s until his death in 1972, Alinsky crisscrossed the country, stirring the have-nots — poor whites and blacks — to demand power from the haves. Many biographers have labeled Alinsky as a communist, but he always maintained that he never joined the Communist Party. In a Playboy Magazine interview in 1972 he said, “Anybody who tells you he was active in progressive causes in those days (1930s) and never worked with the Reds (Communists) is a goddamn liar. Their platform stood for all the right things, and unlike many liberals, they were willing to put their bodies on the line.” From the book The Life of Alinsky…. “We’re talking about revolution, not revelation” - Saul Alinsky Alinsky's Rules for Radicals By Craig Miyamoto, APR, Fellow PRSA (This is an expanded version of

Homosexuals are the new minority to pimp

Homosexuals are the new minority to pimp White liberals have just about sucked all of the blood out of black Americans today. They need a new host off of which to feed. Alienation is a very powerful tool and liberals know how to use it. Alienation can get any sub-culture so angry as to not see straight and thus embracing liberalism. Liberalism is an ideology of emotionalism and raw dissension. All you have to do is come up with some vice of the past such as torture that was done in the name of God, or slavery, or rape being trivialized and then you have your first weapon. This first weapon is to accuse a conservative of wanting to go back to slavery, or wanting to repeal women's suffrage, whenever they make a simple point that at least one thing about the past was better than what we have today. Frank Herbert of the DUNE books said that a conservative will choose any past over any future. Also, Frank Herbert also said that a liberal is a closet bureaucrat. The second weapon of libe

Promiscuity Education

Promiscuity Education (formally called Sexuality Education) Specific Examples of Promiscuous Content (A compilation by Lynn K. Murphy of Life Research Institute, (510) 676-2929. January, 1994 revision) Introduction: This compendium will show many, many examples of what Planned Parenthood, the Sex Education and Information Council of the U.S. (SIECUS), and others call Sexuality Education but would be much more accurately called Promiscuity Education. First, however, I must list some exceedingly important facts about these programs. Then I will positively prove that these programs teach our children to be promiscuous. -- Promiscuity programs use peer pressure to encourage promiscuity. Currently, this statement and a few others may seem outrageous. However, you will see that I easily prove what I say. -- The sheer quantity of explicit material presented in mixed groups year after y